Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Unlock your potential...

Have you ever driven your car home and you can’t remember getting home? You were so caught up in your own world that you didn’t consciously drive the distance. We do this in all aspects of our life; we don’t even realize the accomplishments we do along the way. Life is too easily cluttered with grey mass,  lost memories, and moments that make it up.
I guess somewhere in our heads we get so “busy”, sorting through what we perceive to be the missing pieces of our lives…. We find ourselves here, but we are not really here at all. Sometimes we are so absorbed in dissecting the future and the past and our perception of life that we completely miss what’s happening around us. Sometimes we can’t see it at all.
If I could manage to let go of my own expectations of life—just for a second—and zoom out a little bit, I would probably see that in the context of the bigger picture, my worries do not warrant this waste of behaviour, not in the least. It takes some doing, but in the end I believe we can finally ALL get there.
Most of us spend our lives living in a kind of trance, we are unconsciously living our lives on autopilot, not noticing what we have accomplished, just ticking the boxes and getting on with what we ASSUME to be OUR lives. We are essentially asleep to the REAL world.
The older we get, the more our lives become like the predictive text on our mobile phones or the GPS in our car: we have a fairly good idea of our day, or what we want to say, the route we were going to take, the things that we expect to show up and the people we will see along the way, our minds just kind of fill in the blanks.
We get so used to our routines that it’s no longer necessary to pay attention to the details. Sometimes we assume this is how it SHOULD be done, this is what we SHOULD do next? Slowly our lives become more and more dulled by a “broad view” approach. Our receptiveness levels drop dramatically the older we get.
We become bewitched by the soundtrack of our own thoughts and story lines and guessing our finished pre-packaged life; that we get stuck in the mud of what was or could have been what may or may not be. In the process, we miss all the joy in our lives, the little things that we should be proud of, are drowning in our own puddle of thoughts.
A lot of people talk about consciousness, where sometimes we are unconscious or semi-conscious (I like to refer to it also as autopilot). The first time someone said the term “conscious” I was somewhat insulted. What do they mean I have to become conscious? I’ve been conscious for days, weeks, YEARS!! However when I took a hard look at my life, I realized it was true, much of my life is a blur, spent in my thoughts!
Do you think you don’t fit into this category? Here are some questions to honestly answer about yourself:
  1. Can you remember details of what you saw on your way to work today?
  2. Can you remember details of what you did yesterday?
  3. What did you do the day before?
  4. What is the clearest memory you have of say, a week ago?
  5. Is it a singular memory, or a general and blurry one, like spending time at work?
A life that is lived unconsciously becomes grey; you’re so busy! It is lived in a repetitive cycle that becomes increasingly harder to break out of the older we get. It requires the ability to allow yourself to break your own cycle, to get a little uncomfortable, get out of your own comfort zone and as our lives become busier and busier, it will be harder and harder to break out of your “bad habits”.
Consciousness is about awareness: being alert to details, being in the moment, and most of all, simply being awake! Like everything else, it is something that is learned. It’s a habit we get into.
There are many different ways to awaken consciousness.  
Here are my top 3:
1 – Travel; this is a great way to get out of your everyday routine, to notice what’s happening around you!
2 – Meditate; this allows your mind to relax, and somewhat forces you into stopping the chatter in your mind.
3 – Write it down; if you start by keeping a journal, and write different things you appreciated that day – it can be as simple as, had a warm shower or saw a beautiful tree you hadn’t seen before etc.
As I have said before, Freedom really is all within your grasp, we just need to find the small steps to take! Try finding something to appreciate today.
No one can make you think a certain way. You have the power to change your own experience of the world if you can let go of your own storyline and allow the world to unfold around you.
We will always be the gatekeeper of our own destiny

Unlock your power and your destiny.....

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
Albert Einstein

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