Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Dream big, live long.....

Sometimes people refer to change as this big, global act, as something that will affect the entire world. Attitude is like that. It's the kind of change you can make every single day that can change the world. Just think -- what if we all took the time, just a few moments a day, to change our attitudes? What if we woke up tired and stressed and unhappy and we said, "Nope, I'm not going to have a bad attitude. I'm going to be positive today!"?

It seems to me that attitude has a ripple effect. One person's good attitude can cause another's. Just think about it. If you choose to have a good attitude and it spreads to another person and another and another, you really are changing the world. Some might scoff at this idea and consider it trivial. They might read this and think, How can one person's attitude change the world? Before my quest for a positive,  present life, I would have been one of those people.

Don't wait too long to learn what I'm learning. Adjust your attitude right now. Change it this minute. You'd be surprised how much you really can change the world just by changing your attitude. Changing your attitude can change your life. Changing your life can change the lives of those around you. Changing the lives of those around you can, ultimately, change the world. When you hear about changing the world, don't sit back and say you can't do anything. There is one thing you can do every single day that will make the world a better place: change your attitude.

By changing your attitude your opening yourself up to a new life, full of new experiences.

We are all naturally confident and positive people, think back to your childhood – your inhibitions were limited you were free to say and think anything you wanted, but somewhere along the way, people started opposing our actions. For some of us that meant becoming shy, while for others it meant losing their natural self confidence. The good news is that you can tap back into that confidence if you want.

As I mentioned before, we all have triggers and strategies. We have triggers that make us feel stressed and bad, and strategies to for dealing with these thoughts. A strategy could be as simple as finding a friend who taps you on your shoulder and looks into your eyes, smiling negative thoughts, strategies, and beliefs, you become your ideal self.

You have the power to easily become who you want to be. You see, you are already the person you’ve been dreaming about becoming.

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