Monday, 4 July 2011

Meditate, Meditate, Meditate

Meditate, Meditate, Meditate…..

This is the most well-known way to cleanse and awaken the mind, and yet many people shy away from it. Many people think its complicated or to difficult to start, to be honest the first time is the hardest; but if you go in with the right mentality, I promise you can attack anything..Meditation doesn’t have to happen alone in a quiet room.

My personal favorite form of meditation is hot air ballooning. When I’m walking towards a hot air balloon that is waiting for me. No matter how hard I try it never lifts off the ground , I soon realize that because of my little stresses, the balloon is weighed down, as I realize these the balloon starts to lift and everything else just falls away and I become completely present and aware of only one thing: the fresh air, and how free I am! By the time the balloon is ready to come down I’m exhausted and humming in a cleaned out sort of way. It’s beautiful.

I also enjoy imagining I am like a bird, free to roam the world, gathering speed or going as calmly as I please. Something feels symbolic when I am as free as a bird.

Being conscious and aware is about opening your eyes to the world again, look around you and see what is going on, what people are really saying to you. Step out of your bubble of existence and really take a good hard look at the world around you again. What do you see? Can you look at it without an agenda?

Sometimes it’s only when we stop completely that we realize what’s happening around us. Mediation can come from you feeling the sun warm up your skin, or watching your cat play in its own world – anywhere you can completely stop all outside distractions – and be ultimately FREE!

Freedom really is all within your grasp, we just need to find the small steps to take! Try finding something to appreciate today.

No one can make you think a certain way. You have the power to change your own experience of the world if you can let go of your own storyline and allow the world to unfold around you.

We will always be the gatekeeper of our own destiny.

Here's a mantra to start, in your head or aloud start with repeating - "I am as free as I choose myself to be, I allow myself to be completely relaxed. I am calm, I am calm, I am calm, I am one with the universe"

Free as a bird xXx


  1. Meditation is the answer. What was the question?

    I read that the psycobabble clutters your mind at a rate of 1500 words per minute. Wow that's a lot of words!
    After that I could see how I needed to still my mind with meditation & give myself a break, especially when I am having a bad day & my psycobabble is not so kind because I am beating up on that literally meant I was cluttering my mind with 1500 negitative words a minute.

    Thanks for your fantastic blog. I look forward to reading it everyday & really appreciate getting my daily dose of appreciation.

  2. I have been so inspired reading your blog every day & feel something is missing if I have not read it for a day. But the best thing is that I have really started to meditate for at least 20 mts every day before I get up & it seems to make a real difference to my life - challenges seem more like opportunities & my stress level seems to be a thing of the past...keep up the good work & thanks for your inspiration.
