I have been having a huge clean out of my wardrobe lately, it always seems like I never have anything to wear and then I do a clean out and I feel like I have way too much stuff, so its been very therapeutic. I have found clothing I can't bear to throw away, and I have found clothing that should have been in the bin in the 90's. It got me thinking about how easily stuff accumulates in your life, and not just your clothes, it could be negative thoughts sneaking in your mind, or it could be old memories that are too easy to put aside but never too easy to forget.
So I have decided its time to make a new vision of my future and let go of any old beliefs and thoughts that don't support me and my beliefs.
You can begin this process of changing your outlook by repeating my affirmation below for a week, it changes your thought pattern and tricks your unconscious thoughts into believing it even if you not there 100%. I have these in a book next to my bedside which I write in anytime I think or hear a new one..
Sometimes the clutter in our lives comes from us trying to fix what we think is wrong inside by grabbing on to something or someone that is outside of you. Most of the time we need to start inside..
Your point of power is in the present moment, and you can begin to make a shift today.
Be willing to release it by stating: “I am willing to release the need for negative thoughts ( replace this with whatever you need to change) in my life. I release it now and trust in the process of life to meet my needs.”
Here's a mantra which I love -
"I am my own unique self, and I rejoice in who I am. I am acceptable, lovable, and Divinely inspired. This is the truth of my being, and I accept it as so. All is well in my world."
I love this site it is an inspiration to me especially when I am having a day that is not so good - it makes me see the things I need to be appreciating & there are always some of these no matter how hard I think life is.